股骨头坏死非手术治疗学 黄克勤 等 主编 最新 lit 百度云 下载 azw3 rb pdf kindle

股骨头坏死非手术治疗学 黄克勤 等 主编电子书下载地址
H.G guidelines for hip joint repair in the novel therapy for AVN of the femoral head
Rehabilitation guidelines in the novel therapy for AVN of the femoral head
Treatment strategies in the novel therapy for AVN of the femoral head
Characteristics of the novel therapy for AVN of the femoral head
Indications of the novel therapy for AVN of the femoral head
Chapter 1 Chinese Medical Theory behind the Novel Therapy for Avascular Necrosis (AVN) of the Femoral Head
Essential theory in Chinese medicine
Re understanding the etiology and pathogenesis ofAVN of the femoral head
Repair theory
Six major treatment methods
Syndrome identification and disease differentiation
Chapter 2 Technical Points of the Novel Therapy for Avascular Necrosis(AVN) of the Femoral Head
Characteristic symptoms of the AVN of the femoral head
Contents of the novel therapy for AVN of the femoral head
Mechanism of the novel therapy for AVN of the femoral head
Classification principle for AVN of the femoral head
Diagnosis ofAVN of the femoral head
Treatment ofAVN of the femoral head in adults
Dynamic modeling mechanism of the hip joint
Rehabilitation concept in AVN of the femoral head
New perspectives
Chapter 3 Subtypes of the AVN of the Femoral Head
Osteolytic AVN of the femoral head
Disintegrated AVN of the femoral head
Sclerotic AVN of the femoral head
Hypertrophic AVN of the femoral head
Rigid AVN of the femoral head
AVN of the femoral head with structural variation
Chapter 4 Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Treatment of AVN of the Femoral Head
Diagnostic criteria
Staging of the AVN of the femoral head
Treatment protocol
Evaluation criteria for therapeutic efficacy
Chapter 5 Inpatient Admission Criteria and Therapeutic Efficacy Evaluation Criteria for AVN of the Femoral Head
Inpatient admission criteria for AVN of the femoral head
Therapeutic efficacy evaluation criteria for AVN of the femoral head
Chapter 6 Therapeutic Ffflcacy Analysis on AVN of the Femoral Head in Different Stages
Conditions and requirements for therapeutic efficacy analysis in different stages"'
Therapeutic efficacy analysis after the 1st and 2nd courses (3 months for 1 course)
Therapeutic efficacy analysis after the 3rd and 4th courses
Therapeutic efficacy analysis after the 5th and 6th courses
Therapeutic efficacy analysis after the 7th and 8th courses
Therapeutic efficacy analysis after the 9th and 10th courses
Chapter 7 Quantitative Criteria for Repair and Reconstruction of AVN of the Femoral Head
Repair and functional reconstruction quantitative criteria for AVN of the femoral head
Quantitative observation on noninvasive repair and functional reconstruction of
ArN of the femoral head
Chapter 8 Glossary and Definition of Terms for AVN of the Femoral Head
Definition of some terms
Chapter 9 HC-5 Treatment Device for AVN of the Femoral Head
Chapter 10 Computer-aided Image Diagnosis for AVN of the Femoral Head
Chapter 11 The Novel Chinese Medical Therapy for AVN of the Femoral Head
Chapter 12 Application of Meridian Theory to the Novel Therapy for AVN of the Femoral Head
Chapter 13 Application of the Zi Wu Liu Zhu (Midnight-Noon-Ebb-Flow) Theory in the Treatment of AVN of the Femoral Head
Chapter 14 Dynamic Modeling of the Hip Joint
Chapter 15 Nursing Care in Novel Therapy for A'VN of the Femoral Head
Chapter 16 Correction of Pelvic Tilt due to AVN of the Femoral Head
Chapter 17 Etiological Factors and Relevant Medical Conditions of AVN of the Femoral Head
Chapter 18 Stress-Electro-biomechanical Theorem in Novel Therapy for AVN of the Femoral Head-H.G.G Guidelines
Chapter 19 Bone Structure and Biomechanical Property
Chapter 20 Biomechanics of the Hip Joint
Chapter 21 Clinical Observation on the Novel Therapy for AVN of the Femoral Head
Chapter 22 Action Mechanism Study on Cheng Zai Wan for AVN ofthe Femoral Head
Huang Keqin(黄克勤), chief physician, a State Council Spe Allowance expert (awarded in 1992), a lifetime title of famous TCM physician and a talent of distinction (awarded by Jilin Provin Government in 1995), a former professor at Shenzhen University and guest professor at Beijing College of Acupuncture and Orthopaedics, is now the deputy vice chairman of World Federation of Traditional Chinese Orthopedics, deputy vice director of China Association of Orthopedics Talents and a professor at Huatuo International College of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Dr. Huang has been listed in the Dictionary of Chinese Contemporary Inventors, Dictionary of Famous Chinese Medical Doctors, China Expert Pool and Dictionary of Eureka World Inventors.
Dr. Huang is an orthopedics expert. He has invented a total of 42 extemal fixators for 8 types of bonefractures. The external fixator with actuating arms successfully solved the closed reduction and transfixationpinning following femoral neck fracture.
Dr. Huang participated in treating the injured after the Great Tangshan earthquakein 1976. After yearsof study, he put forward the new etiology and pathomechanism for aseptic necrosis of the femoral head: Stress concentration damages bone architecture and affects intraosseous microcirculation and architectural repair. His academic ideas in circulating qi and blood and dynamic modeling enabled functional recoveryof later stage femoral head necrosis. He has authored dozens of articles and books, including Therapies Using Orthopedic Fixation Devices, The Therapeutics of Hip Joint Disease, Collections of New Orthopedic Technologies, Post~Trauma External Fixation, Practical Diagnosis and Treatment for Necrosis of theFemoral Head, Chinese Tuina, Practical External Fixation Therapeutics, Noninvasive Treatment for Necrosis of the Femoral Head: Atlas of Typical Case Reports and Chinese External Medicine. In addition, he won 6ministerial or provin scientific & technical awards, 14 national patents and invention gold medals from China, France, the US, Singapore, Austria, Spain, Belgium and Eureka World Invention Expo.
Huang Hong(黄宏), in the United States and Japan, necrosis of the femoral head is a major health issue and can only be managed by artifi arthroplasty.
Due to congenital hip dislocation and failures of multiple hip joint surgeries (both sides), I suffered from necrosis of the femoral head coupled with severe dysfunctions myself. However, I managed with great effort to graduate from the Department of Clunese Medicine, Military Medical College and obtained my Master's degree in Changchun College of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Later I studied in Military Medical Academy in Moscow. Currently, I'm a chief physician and the deputy president of Beijing Huangchenggen Hospital for Femoral Head Necrosis. Based on years of study with Prof. Huang Keqin as well as my personal experience, I realized that we need a novel therapy for femoral head necrosis by modem technology and interdisciplinary collaboration. I rediscovered the stand assisting point using the nonsurgical patent in studying the novel therapy, which also benefited my own condition. In 2003, the novel therapy was listed as one of the top 10 scientific and technical awards by the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine. It has exact effect for femoral head necrosis in stage 3-4. It's worth noting that this therapy has been greatly helpful to osteonecrosis secondary to SARS. I sincerely hope this therapy can help more patients with femoral head necrosis.
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