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The world's best-selling grammar series for learners of English.
Raymond Murphy's English Grammar in Use is the world’s best-selling grammar reference and practice book for learners of English at intermediate (B1-B2) level. It’s perfect for self-study, but also ideal for supplementary grammar activities in the classroom.
The fifth edition is available as a printed book and ebook with audio, for on-the-go learning. It comes with interactive exercises and integrated audio to help with listening and pronunciation skills.
What's new
- Modern page design and fresh, new artwork throughout the book
- Exercises reworked to reduce the amount of writing needed and to bring more focus to the grammar points
- Example sentences and exercises updated to reflect changes in lifestyle, technology and language use.
Present and past
Present perfect and past
Reported speech
Questions and auxiliary verbs
Articles and nouns
Pronouns and determiners
Relative clauses
Adjectives and adverbs
Conjunctions and prepositions
Phrasal verbs
Appendix 1-7
Additional exercises
Study guide
Key to Exercises
Key to Additional exercises
Key to Study guide
Ray Murphy, the world’s best-selling author of grammar books for learners of English.
For over 30 years this reference and practice series has been an essential resource, found on bookshelves, in libraries, and in classrooms. It continues to provide a clear, comprehensive and trustworthy guide to English grammar that learners and teachers appreciate and respect.
With each new edition, updates and improvements have been made to the explanations and exercises, as well as to the design and usability.
everyone enjoyed the party.
he is invited to lots of parties and he goes to every one.
it doesn't matter whether you use MAY or MIGHT, but we use only MIGHT when the situation is not real!
e.g. If I knew them better, I might invite them to dinner.
Unit 10.Present perfect continuous and simple(I have been doing and I have been done.)
Present perfect continuous:We are interested in the activity. It does not matter whether something has been finished or not.
Present perfect simple: The important thing is that something has been finished.
My hands are very dirty. I've been repairing the car. The car is OK again now. I've repaired it.
We use the continuous to ask or say how long(for an activity that is still happening):
How long have you been reading that book?
We use the simple to ask or say how much, how many or how many times(completed actions):
How many pages of that book have you read?
*There are some verbs(for example, know/like/believe)that are normally not used in the continuous.
Unit 11 How long have you(been)...?
A.Compare the present and the present perfect:
*Amy is in hospital.
But she has been in hospital since Monday.(not "Amy is in hospital since Monday.")
*We know each other very well.
but We have known each other for a long time.
B.I have been doing something(present perfect continuous)=I started doing sth. in the past and I am still doing it(or have just stopped):
*I've been learning English for a long time.
*Sorry I'm late. Have you been waiting long?
C.I have done(simple) or I have been doing (continuous)
The continuous is more usual with how long, since and for.
You can normally use either the continuous or simple with live and work:
How long have you been working/have you worked here?
but we use the simple with always:
* John has always lived in Lo...
Unit 12. When...? and How long...? For and since
A.Compare When...?(+past simple) and How long...?(+present perfect):
--When di it start raining?
--It started raining an hour ago/at 1 o'clock
--How long has it been raining?
--It's been raining for an hour/since 1 o'clock.
B.We use both for and since to say how long something has been happening.
We use for when we say a period of time(two hours,six weeks etc.):
*I've been waiting for two hours.
two hours ago-> now
We use since when we say the start of a period(8 o'clock,Monday,1988 etc.):
*I've been waiting since 8 o'clock.
8 o'clock->now
*They haven't had a holiday for ten years.(you must use for)
We do not use for + all...(all day/all my lift etc.):
*I've lived here all my life.
C.We say It's(a long time/two years e...
Unit 13 Present perfect and past(1)(I have done and I did)
A.Tom is looking for his key.He can't find it.
He has lost his key.
This means that he doesn't have his key now.
Ten minutes later:
Now Tom has found his key. He has it now.
Has he lost his key?
No,he hasn't.He has found it.
Did he lose his key?
Yes, he did.
He lost his key(past simple)
but now he has found it.(present perfect.)
The present perfect is a present tense.It always tells us something about now. Tom has lost his key=he doesn't have his key now.
The past simple tells us only about the past.If somebody says "Tom lost his key", we don't know whether he has it now or not. We only know that he lost it at some time in the past.
B.Do not use the present perfect if there is no connection with the present(for example, things t...
The world's best-selling grammar series for learners of English.
Raymond Murphy's English Grammar in Use is the world’s best-selling grammar reference and practice book for learners of English at intermediate (B1-B2) level. It’s perfect for self-study, but also ideal for supplementary grammar activities in the classroom.
The fifth edition is available as a printed book and ebook with audio, for on-the-go learning. It comes with interactive exercises and integrated audio to help with listening and pronunciation skills.
What's new
- Modern page design and fresh, new artwork throughout the book
- Exercises reworked to reduce the amount of writing needed and to bring more focus to the grammar points
- Example sentences and exercises updated to reflect changes in lifestyle, technology and language use.
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- 网友 马***偲:
好 很好 非常好 无比的好 史上最好的
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- 网友 苍***如:
- 网友 潘***丽:
- 网友 权***颜:
- 网友 詹***萍:
- 网友 冉***兮:
- 网友 陈***秋:
- 网友 寿***芳:
- 网友 隗***杉:
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