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“Tell anyone who asks that you’re half-black and half-white,
just like David Hasselhoff from Knight Rider.”–Angela’s
“Love has no color,” insist Angela Nissel’s parents, but does it
have a clue? In this candid, funny, and poignant memoir, Angela
recounts growing up biracial in Philadelphia–moving back and forth
between black inner-city schools and white prep schools–where her
racial ambiguity and doomed attempts to blend in dog her teen
years. Once in college, Angela experiments with black activism
(hoping to find clarity in extremism), capitalizes on her “exotic”
look at a strip club, and ends up with a major case of the blues
(aka, a racial identity problem). Yet Angela is never down for the
count. After moving to Los Angeles, she discovers that being
multiracial is anything but simple, especially in terms of dating
and romance.
By turns a comedy of errors and a moving coming-of-age chronicle,
Mixed traces one woman’s unforgettable journey to self-acceptance
and belonging.
Praise for Mixed
“I love Angela Nissel's writing. Reading Mixed was like getting a
letter from a best friend I forgot I had. How ironic that a book
written by someone who felt like no one "got" her will surely be
one of those rare books everyone gets- black, white, both, neither.
Hilarious, sweet, and honest, Mixed is the perfect read if you've
ever felt like the one standing on the outside-- and let's face it,
who hasn't? - -Jill Soloway, author of Tiny Ladies in Shiny
“Nissel is humorous, poignant, and proud yet also empathetic and
generous as she recounts her constant struggle to answer the
perennial question persons of mixed race seem required to ask of
themselves in our society–where do I fit in?.... All readers stand
to learn from her account.” — Booklist
“Colorful anecdotes, marvelous dialogue and a thoughtful
narrative make this memoir a delight.”–Kirkus Reviews (starred
"If David Sedaris was a straight biracial female, this is the
book he'd write. This book is so funny I've already started telling
people I helped Angela write it." -- Bill Lawrence, creator of
"Growing up black and white, I always felt I had the best of both
worlds. I feel the same way about Mixed. It's the perfect blend of
hilarious comedy and sometimes tragic reality." -- Yvette Lee
Bowser, creator of Living Single and executive producer of Half and
"Mixed is a hilarious must-read for anyone searching for the
enchanting path to self-discovery. Angela Nissel's precise account
of living the mixed race experience not only hit home with me, but
the journey is deliciously enlightening and heart-rending at the
same time. It's a journey well worth taking." --Halle Berry
White Thu9,Black Panther
Primary Colors
MulattO Pride Turbo Boost
Zebra Kickball
Once You GO Half Black
Miss Julie
Inner city Stars
D00—DOO Head
Patron Saint of White Fathers
My God Complex
Angela Nissel was born and raised in Philadelphia, where she
graduated from the University of Pennsylvania with a degree in
medical anthropology. She later started a dotcom, Okayplayer.com,
which is still alive and well, but she left it permanently to the
care of its cofounder after The Broke Diaries was published. She
decided to pursue writing full time and finally ventured out of
Philadelphia to Hollywood.
Upon arriving in Hollywood, she learned that just because people
call themselves producers and say they can give you a job writing
the screenplay of your book, it doesn’t mean they can. Broke, she
put a few possessions on eBay; the winning bidder on one item was
an executive at Warner Brothers who had read The Broke Diaries and
who then introduced Nissel to her television literary agent. This
agent sent copies of The Broke Diaries to everyone hiring comedy
writers, and soon Nissel had numerous job offers. She accepted a
position as a staff writer on NBC’s medical comedy, Scrubs. She’s
been there for four years and is currently consulting producer of
the show.
This is the only job she’s had where her medical anthropology
degree has come in handy.
Visit the author’s web site at www.angelanissel.com.
“Tell anyone who asks that you’re half-black and half-white, just like David Hasselhoff from Knight Rider.”–Angela’s mother
“Love has no color,” insist Angela Nissel’s parents, but does it have a clue? In this candid, funny, and poignant memoir, Angela recounts growing up biracial in Philadelphia–moving back and forth between black inner-city schools and white prep schools–where her racial ambiguity and doomed attempts to blend in dog her teen years. Once in college, Angela experiments with black activism (hoping to find clarity in extremism), capitalizes on her “exotic” look at a strip club, and ends up with a major case of the blues (aka, a racial identity problem). Yet Angela is never down for the count. After moving to Los Angeles, she discovers that being multiracial is anything but simple, especially in terms of dating and romance.
By turns a comedy of errors and a moving coming-of-age chronicle, Mixed traces one woman’s unforgettable journey to self-acceptance and belonging.
Praise for Mixed
“I love Angela Nissel's writing. Reading Mixed was like getting a letter from a best friend I forgot I had. How ironic that a book written by someone who felt like no one "got" her will surely be one of those rare books everyone gets- black, white, both, neither. Hilarious, sweet, and honest, Mixed is the perfect read if you've ever felt like the one standing on the outside-- and let's face it, who hasn't? - -Jill Soloway, author of Tiny Ladies in Shiny Pants
“Nissel is humorous, poignant, and proud yet also empathetic and generous as she recounts her constant struggle to answer the perennial question persons of mixed race seem required to ask of themselves in our society–where do I fit in?.... All readers stand to learn from her account.” — Booklist
“Colorful anecdotes, marvelous dialogue and a thoughtful narrative make this memoir a delight.” –Kirkus Reviews (starred review)
"If David Sedaris was a straight biracial female, this is the book he'd write. This book is so funny I've already started telling people I helped Angela write it." -- Bill Lawrence, creator of Scrubs
"Growing up black and white, I always felt I had the best of both worlds. I feel the same way about Mixed . It's the perfect blend of hilarious comedy and sometimes tragic reality." -- Yvette Lee Bowser, creator of Living Single and executive producer of Half and Half
"Mixed is a hilarious must-read for anyone searching for the enchanting path to self-discovery. Angela Nissel's precise account of living the mixed race experience not only hit home with me, but the journey is deliciously enlightening and heart-rending at the same time. It's a journey well worth taking." --Halle Berry
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