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Building on the concrete advice and practical, powerful strategies revealed in its predecessor, More ProActive Sales Management provides harried sales managers with a proven method for managing the sales process and their people. Packed with specific, field-tested techniques, this helpful guide focuses on the five primary areas in which mistakes occur: internal team decisions, upward decisions, sales decisions, infrastructure decisions, and decisions regarding the manager himself. Readers will learn how to: regain control of their time • create a proactive sales culture • motivate a sales team • use simple yet powerful metrics • weed out failures quickly • coach and counsel up and down the sales organization • reduce reports to one sheet of paper and 10 minutes a week • forecast more confidently This book shows sales managers at every level how to manage for great results!
From the Inside Flap
This book is filled with mistakes. Big ones. The mistakes that cost sales professionals their customers, their top line results, maybe even their careers. But you should read More ProActive Sales Management anyway. Because Skip Miller has packed this follow-up to his best-selling ProActive Sales Management with uncanny insight into why even excellent sales managers make those very errors—“the stuff you wish you’d never gotten into.” And more importantly, he tells you how to get yourself out of it—and what you should do now. Quite possibly the most practical guide to improving your sales management approach that you’ll ever read, More ProActive Sales Management offers use-it-now solutions to the universal challenges of finding and retaining customers, building your team, structuring territories, breeding motivation, and streamlining efficiency across your entire sales operation. This book represents an unprecedented opportunity to learn not just from your own mistakes but from those of hundreds of other sales management professionals who spent months or even years developing new ideas, then ran with them—and failed, sometimes spectacularly. Their losses are your gain. Divided into the five areas in which most bad (and good) sales management decisions are made, More ProActive Sales Management has got you covered concerning: ---Internal team decisions: The day-to-day decisions you make as a manager of the individual members of your team. Are you doing the right things when it comes to hiring, firing, training, coaching, counseling, and motivating? (Mistake #3: Salespeople Are Self-Motivated) --Upward decisions: Do the decisions you make on behalf of your team reflect the needs of the entire company? And does your input on larger company decisions demonstrate that your team is well equipped to help realize company goals? (Mistake #8: I’m the Boss) ---Sales decisions: In the field or in the office, are you making the right daily decisions that will increase sales? (Mistake #13: I’ll Show Them How to Do It) ---Infrastructure decisions: Have you ideally structured territories, compensation and rewards programs, goals and quotas, and other facets of the sales operation? (Mistake #15: It’s Their Territory) --Self decisions: Are your choices and decisions career enhancers or career limiters? (Mistake # 21: The More I Work, the Better the Example) Each of the twenty-two mistakes—ranging from troublesome to catastrophic, harrowing to hilarious—is accompanied by down-to-earth, proven ways to recognize bad decisions before they happen, make better choices from the start, and do your job (and help your people do theirs) more easily, efficiently, and profitably than ever. “The ramifications [of bad decisions] are far reaching,” writes Miller. You lose not only individual sales, new and long-standing accounts, and the money that goes with them; you also stand to lose the confidence of your colleagues and employers. Luckily, those who came before you have already made history in their own way—it’s up to you to learn from their mistakes, lest you repeat them! William “Skip” Miller is the President of M3 Learning, a sales and management development company, and a sales management trainer for the American Management Association. He is the author of ProActive Sales Management and ProActive Selling.
Building on the concrete advice and practical, powerful strategies revealed in its predecessor, More ProActive Sales Management provides harried sales managers with a proven method for managing the sales process and their people. Packed with specific, field-tested techniques, this helpful guide focuses on the five primary areas in which mistakes occur: internal team decisions, upward decisions, sales decisions, infrastructure decisions, and decisions regarding the manager himself. Readers will learn how to: regain control of their time • create a proactive sales culture • motivate a sales team • use simple yet powerful metrics • weed out failures quickly • coach and counsel up and down the sales organization • reduce reports to one sheet of paper and 10 minutes a week • forecast more confidently This book shows sales managers at every level how to manage for great results!
From the Inside Flap
This book is filled with mistakes. Big ones. The mistakes that cost sales professionals their customers, their top line results, maybe even their careers. But you should read More ProActive Sales Management anyway. Because Skip Miller has packed this follow-up to his best-selling ProActive Sales Management with uncanny insight into why even excellent sales managers make those very errors—“the stuff you wish you’d never gotten into.” And more importantly, he tells you how to get yourself out of it—and what you should do now. Quite possibly the most practical guide to improving your sales management approach that you’ll ever read, More ProActive Sales Management offers use-it-now solutions to the universal challenges of finding and retaining customers, building your team, structuring territories, breeding motivation, and streamlining efficiency across your entire sales operation. This book represents an unprecedented opportunity to learn not just from your own mistakes but from those of hundreds of other sales management professionals who spent months or even years developing new ideas, then ran with them—and failed, sometimes spectacularly. Their losses are your gain. Divided into the five areas in which most bad (and good) sales management decisions are made, More ProActive Sales Management has got you covered concerning: ---Internal team decisions: The day-to-day decisions you make as a manager of the individual members of your team. Are you doing the right things when it comes to hiring, firing, training, coaching, counseling, and motivating? (Mistake #3: Salespeople Are Self-Motivated) --Upward decisions: Do the decisions you make on behalf of your team reflect the needs of the entire company? And does your input on larger company decisions demonstrate that your team is well equipped to help realize company goals? (Mistake #8: I’m the Boss) ---Sales decisions: In the field or in the office, are you making the right daily decisions that will increase sales? (Mistake #13: I’ll Show Them How to Do It) ---Infrastructure decisions: Have you ideally structured territories, compensation and rewards programs, goals and quotas, and other facets of the sales operation? (Mistake #15: It’s Their Territory) --Self decisions: Are your choices and decisions career enhancers or career limiters? (Mistake # 21: The More I Work, the Better the Example) Each of the twenty-two mistakes—ranging from troublesome to catastrophic, harrowing to hilarious—is accompanied by down-to-earth, proven ways to recognize bad decisions before they happen, make better choices from the start, and do your job (and help your people do theirs) more easily, efficiently, and profitably than ever. “The ramifications [of bad decisions] are far reaching,” writes Miller. You lose not only individual sales, new and long-standing accounts, and the money that goes with them; you also stand to lose the confidence of your colleagues and employers. Luckily, those who came before you have already made history in their own way—it’s up to you to learn from their mistakes, lest you repeat them! William “Skip” Miller is the President of M3 Learning, a sales and management development company, and a sales management trainer for the American Management Association. He is the author of ProActive Sales Management and ProActive Selling.
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